
Équilibre & Bien-Être : Coaching to stay serene and take care of yourself on a daily basis.

  • A program to find a better life balance!

    We have set up an online program based on Behavioural and Cognitive Techniques, to help you regain a good physical, mental and emotional balance!

    With this program and the help of our psychologist coaches, you will find solutions to problems of organization, sleep, food and communication in order to manage your daily life in the best possible way! And you will find a sports program in video to help you stay in shape!

    Discover our program
    Un programme pour retrouver un meilleur équilibre de vie !
  • A program organized in two independent courses:

    A FeelGood course organized in different stages of a few days each, which will be scheduled according to a survey that will identify the user's priorities.

    A dedicated fitness course where the beneficiary can keep in shape at home with more than 200 videos.

    Request a demo
    Un programme organisé en deux parcours indépendants:
  • Transform your daily life

    Change your perception of this situation,
    refocusing and taking care of yourself...

  • The benefits of our program

    Practice is essential, not only for efficiency but also to maintain a good result over the long term by establishing new habits. All the activities of this program will help develop a sustainable well-being, by giving the tools to face the difficulties of daily life.

    Schedule an appointment to learn more
  • Your coaching program Equilibre et bien être

    The 6 stages of your Feel Good program The Equilibre & Bien-Être program helps you regain a lasting balance in your life (This program is an example, as the order of the stages may differ depending on the profile obtained from your intake questionnaire). Certain stages of your Feel Good program are optional. The intake questionnaire enables us to define your needs and propose a tailor-made program with steps to help you achieve your goals and rediscover a more serene life. However, you can choose at any time whether or not to follow the optional steps.

    • Gérer ses émotions avec la relaxation

      Etape 1 • Durée 11 jours

      Managing emotions with relaxation

      Learn how to relax and manage your emotions to stay zen in all circumstances thanks to relaxation. Learn different relaxation techniques and apply the most effective ones.

    • In this step we will identify your automatic thoughts that generate stress and change them into more realistic and optimistic thoughts.

    • Together, we'll learn how to better organize our days and avoid stressful situations. You'll discover the “Here and now” method, “I do right now what can be done right now”,...

    • This optional step will help you adopt a healthier diet, to improve your fitness and health. You'll learn how to adapt your diet to your needs, lifestyle and physical activity.

    • If you're having trouble getting a good night's sleep, follow this step for advice on how to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. You'll be in better shape during the day.

    • Blossom on a daily basis by cultivating your relationships with others. To restore harmony in your personal and professional life, you'll learn to communicate more effectively and assert yourself.