
Linecoaching: Nutrition Coaching for Happier Meals

  • The Epidemic of Obesity and Overweight

    Overweight and obesity are serious public health issues:

    • 30% of the French are overweight
    • 16% of the French suffer from obesity
    • in France ,1 out of 4 people could be obese in 2030
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    non healthy
  • Loose Weight Durably and Diet Free with LineCoaching

    Working on an individual's eating behavior leads to permanent weight-loss.

    LineCoaching is a CBT-based weight-loss program that promotes intuitive and mindful eating without dieting. Loosing weight becomes healthier and more permanent when eating behavior is changed at the roots - achieving more body awareness and control over food.

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    Methode mindfull
  • Food CBT Experts

    Jean-Philippe Zermati, Nutritionist

    25 years of expertise in nutrition - in 1989, JP. Zermati opened the first multidisciplinary private team of nutritionists, physiotherapists, psychologists and psychomotor therapists in France, called the Obesity and Overweight Focus Group (Groupe de Reflexion sur l'Obésité et le Surpoids).

    Gérard Apfeldorfer, Psychotherapist

    G. Apfeldorfer specializes in eating behavior and the treatment of weight disorders since 1978. He also teaches Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (CBT), and regularly attends conferences and trainings on the subject.

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    Expert LineCoaching
  • Linecoaching makes accessible to all Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a regulated diet

    An interactive and fun program

    Discover in video your program of regulation of the food behavior. An overall assessment allows you to define your activities. The advice of the coaches, the videos and audios of our experts and daily challenges allow you to lose weight and stabilize without frustration!


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    Our Program Received Excellent Feedback from Users

    Nearly 20,000 of our users experienced LineCoaching's effectiveness with significant changes in their weight, eating behavior and the way they perceive themselves - making them feel healthier overall:

    79% of LineCoaching members managed to stabilize or even pursue their weight loss 1 to 3 years after the end of the program.

    Nearly 64% have seen progress in their eating habits.


    The 9 steps of your LineCoaching program

    The Linecoaching program helps you regulate your diet over the long term

    • picto comportement alimentaire

      Etape 1 • Durée 11 jours

      I observe my eating behaviour

      You personalize your program and gain a better understanding of what makes you fat. You also complete your 1st food diary, a key tool in the method.

    • You explore your sense of hunger to discover your “good hunger”. This allows you to eat at the right time, according to your needs, without the risk of overeating.

    • Discover the technique of mindful eating to enjoy your meal with attention to your sensations, eat more slowly and eat less.

    • If you're prone to perfectionism, you can use a variety of methods to relax this behavior, which leads to compulsive eating.

    • You experience the sensation of gustatory satiation, i.e. the pleasure of stopping eating, with a high-calorie food. So you know when to stop eating.

    • If this applies to you, you'll learn to better understand and manage your tendency to overeat in the evening, which can cause significant weight gain.

    • If this applies to you, you'll learn to better understand and manage your tendency to overeat in the evening, which can cause significant weight gain.

    • You'll learn how to defuse your automatic thoughts, the unconscious thoughts that influence your eating behavior.

    • You learn to accept your emotional cravings to prevent them from turning into compulsions.