
Stress Management Coaching with Theraserena

  • The Cost of Stress to Businesses and People's Health

    40% of employees suffer from stress at work.

    Work stress is the leading cause of sick leaves.

    Learn more about stress
    Le stress : un coût pour la santé et pour le fonctionnement des entreprises
  • Effectively Prevent and Reduce Stress with TheraSerena

    Group preventive measures are highly recommended to companies in order to:

    • reduce job strain factors
    • protect employees' health

    TheraSerena is a CBT-based stress management program.It has proven effective on all components of stress and burnout, using tailor-made cognitive therapy as well as emotional and behavioral management techniques.

    Discover our methode
  • Charly Cungi, Stress CBT Specialist

    As a renowned psychotherapist and expert in the field of stress management, C. Cungi entirely designed our TheraSerena program. He specializes in CBT and is the scientific director of Ifforthecc (Francophone Institute of CBT Training and Research).


    Learn more about our experts

    TheraSerena Gives Users Access to all Cognitive and Behavioral Stress Management Therapies

    An effective method backed by the French National Health Authority for the fast and durable treatment of work stress and burnout.


    Access to TheraSerena program at any time




    Discover your stress management program on video. An overall assessment helps define your customized activity program.


    Advice from our coaches, videos and audios from our expert and daily challenges will help you make rapid progress towards serenity!


    Request a demo

    An Anti-stress Method with Scientifically Proven Outcomes

    The French National Health Authority recommends using CBT as primary care for anxiety and burnout patients.
    "Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy has a significant effect that is upheld starting 6 months from the therapy and up to 2 years after - making them as effective as drug treatments."


    Your stress management program

    The 6 stages of your ThéraSéréna program

    • Je comprends mon problème de stress

      Etape 1 • Durée 3 jours

      I understand my stress problem

      You'll assess your stress to better understand what you need to work on, with quizzes and concrete illustrations, and an optional activity specially dedicated to stress at work.

    • You'll learn to calm your emotions by testing and practicing the relaxation exercises that are most effective for you, as well as mindfulness and desensitization techniques to help you react more calmly.

    • Positive thinking techniques will help you transform your pessimism and gloomy thoughts into realistic optimism to encourage positive thinking and better performance.

    • Depending on your needs, you'll learn how to balance your diet, get back to sleep and practice regular physical activity to improve your lifestyle and thus your health.

    • If you need to, you can optimize your time and organization to avoid being overwhelmed, by applying planning and mindfulness techniques to devote yourself to the present moment.

    • If you need it, you'll learn communication and assertiveness techniques to harmonize your relationships and regain your self-confidence.